Bahasa Indonesia in Bali
Indonesia (literally, 'Indonesia Language') is all but identical to
Malay, and is actively promoted as the one national language. Almost
anywhere you go in Indonesia, including Bali, people will speak Bahasa
Indonesia as well as their own local language. Many of them will also
speak English as a third language.
A few words that may come in handy....
Good morning = Selamat pagi
Good day = Selamat siang
Good bye = Selamat tinggal
Good evening = Selamat malam
Good night = Selamat tidur
Welcome = Selamat datang
Good = Bagus
Thank you = Terima kasih
Please = Tolong
Sorry = Maaf
Excuse me = Permisi
How are you = Apa kabar
I'm fine = Baik
What is your name = Siapa nama anda
My name is = Nama saya adalah
Bathroom = Kamar mandi
Toilet = Kamar kecil
Soap = Sabun
Room = Kamar
Bed = Tempat tidur
Ticket = Tiket
Bus = Bis
This = Ini
That = Itu